Video, Animation & Music

This page contains videos and music featured in Phoenix. All videos and music are copyright to the individual contributor. You can find more videos on our YouTube Channel.


In a Flash by Ruby-Anne Chapman
An experimental video I did for my Time Based Class. I filmed many different types of lights (Christmas lights, lamps, chandelier) and used overlays and editing techniques to create something abstract from a simple concept.”

March of the Dice by Joel Halnan
This stop motion animation was created as a playful and energetic piece. The only items I used were dice to show that even a simple little thing can be interesting.”

Onward & Downward by Sarah Long
"First stop motion animation I've ever made using only paper materials in combination with sound clips."

Pig Vs Radio by Tia West
On a dark and dreary night, nothing in particular happens.”

Snakehead by Bryce Van Pattern
I have been doing art, and writing and recording music professionally for as long as I can remember. Whether I am creating a brand and solving design problems, or working on animation, character and prop design, or recording and engineering audio, I always get excited by the challenge. From creating fine art to the discovering the perfect minimalist logo, from creating comic art to producing and engineering a heavy metal soundtrack, I give it everything I have to make it happen, and make it matter.”

The Lake by Andrea Ashmore
This was my very first attempt at Stop Motion Animation--before I created this, I had absolutely no inclination for motion graphics. The success of this piece opened my eyes to more possibilities in my future.”



"Lissa McCarty and Connor Wier are both aspiring composers and musicians involved in Clark College's music programs. Both Lissa and Connor are working towards degrees in music. Connor hopes to attain a degree in Mathematics as well. Lissa will be working towards a dual degree in piano performance and another field a music, possibly production. This work is the product of collaboration between these two students. The idea for the title, as well as the overall premise of the piece, occurred nearer to the end of the composition process when Connor likened a specific section of music to "falling down a never ending staircase" in a dream. As you are listening, you will notice moments of tension and chaos symbolizing coming in and out of a dream state. The final resolution is a place of peace and closure."


"Connor Wier is an aspiring composer and musician who hopes to attain degrees in both Music and Mathematics. "Song of the Night," is a musical comparison of light versus dark embedded in the analogy of Night's love for Day as a message of true love's worth."


This is the central song of my first album, The Story of Synesthesia. It's a composition that best represents the theme of the story; a mixture of childhood nostalgia combined with the wonder of nature. Going into the Forest was particularly inspired by film soundtracks from the 1980's, when synthesizers were rapidly becoming popular in the music industry.”


"I was in fifth grade when I started to play music in my elementary school band playing the clarinet and taught myself to play piano back home. And over the years of my life music has been my one true passion and have fallen in love with listening to, and writing, movie soundtrack scores. And so I decided to compose a piece that has a movie like sound to it. I spent about a week and a half noodling around on the piano, playing random ideas I had, while leaving my phone on voice recording throughout the entire time. And afterward, I would go home listening to myself on the voice recording and slowly piece together "I Don't Want War, I Want Revenge", a duet for piano and cello. My idea behind this piece was to capture the feeling and emotions of a character that had lost a significant other in a medieval film. The piano plays on the emotions of sadness and grief, and you'll hear it play mini-solos throughout the piece focusing its sound on that one feeling. While at the same time the cello plays as the anger and hatred a character would have in the film who is desperately seeking revenge for their beloved one."

One Man Band by Bryce Van Patten
I have been doing art, and writing and recording music professionally for as long as I can remember. Whether I am creating a brand and solving design problems, or working on animation, character and prop design, or recording and engineering audio, I always get excited by the challenge. From creating fine art to the discovering the perfect minimalist logo, from creating comic art to producing and engineering a heavy metal soundtrack, I give it everything I have to make it happen, and make it matter.”


Phoenix Unveiling 2017 by Nathan Garcia

Phoenix Unveiling 2017 tied for First Place for Best Performance in Community College Humanities Association, Pacific Western Division in 2017.

Connect by Meakia Blake

Connect won 2nd Place for Best Performance in Community College Humanities Association, Pacific Western Division in 2017.



Line by Gabriella Moussan


Warehouse by Gabriella Moussan



Destination by Matthew Harmon

Bobby Finds a Fish in the Percolater by Matthew Harmon

Project Spielberg by Jeffery Points

Project Spielberg won 1st Place Award for Best Performance in Community College Humanities Association Literary Magazine Competition in the Pacific-Western Division, 2015.




Craig's Smile by Anni Becker and Cristi Jenkins

Craig's Smile won 3rd Place Award for Best Song/Performance in Community College Humanities Association Literary Magazine Competition in the Pacific-Western Division, 2014.

Chalk and Nature by Jake Henry

Chalk and Nature won 2nd Place Award for Best Song/Performance in Community College Humanities Association Literary Magazine Competition in the Pacific-Western Division, 2014.

John by Anni Becker

John won 1st Place Award for Best Song/Performance in Community College Humanities Association Literary Magazine Competition in the Pacific-Western Division, 2014.